River Blessings - Didmarton, South Gloucestershire

In September 2023 we went to the Source of the Bristol Avon which is near Didmarton in South Gloucestershire.  By this time I had been elected Mayor of my town, so I invited other Mayors and Councillors from places around here.

The group at Didmarton

This is the place our group started to form. The man in the red robes is Gavin Grant, the Mayor of Malmesbury. Next to him is Simon Howell, an interfaith minister in Stroud. They both came to subsequent Blessings.

Kate made her dispacho. We had all been invited to to bring a little water from our respective areas, and as each one of us presented our water to be poured into a communal jug, we spoke about the Rivers, streams or Wells where it  had come from. I brought water from the River Marden in Calne.

Tara, our Water Maiden

This was the first time I had met Tara, and her mother, Kay. They had been invited by the Bards of Avalon, who had recently given our River group a Zoom  talk on water consciousness and water memory based on the work of  Masaru Emoto.

Tara became our Water Maiden as the youngest in the group. She offered her prayers to the water before it was poured into Joyce’s Pond, the Source of the Bristol Avon. 

Tara pouring our offering into Joyce’s Pond

I was standing at the back so you just see Tara as she was preparing to release the waters in the jug into the Pond.