River Marden Interpretation Boards

As part of our first Marden Valley Festival, the Calne Town Mayor unveiled two intepretation boards. 

 The first is at Beach Terrace, with the second, a joint effort between Friends of the Marden Valley and Calne River Warriors, being at the confluence of the Abberd Brook and the River Marden.

Both include illustrations by the wonderful Maddy - read to the bottom to read a few words by Maddy.



A few words from our illustrator, Maddy King:
I’m Maddy, a wildlife illustrator lucky enough to be living in Cornwall. My whole family are creatives, and my dad encouraged me to draw from a very young age, with the help of many ‘how to draw animals’ guides and books I remember having a lot of fun with. He was also a strong influence for me taking an interest in photography, my inspiration coming from the countryside and coastline around Norfolk where I grew up. My artwork transformed from huge detailed oil paintings at A-level to wildlife based print and pattern designs whilst completing my Illustration degree in Plymouth. I adore drawing the fine details and colours of everything botanical and animal themed, but also love the freedom of sketching looser, textured black ink sketches combined with my poetry. I hope to put together a little book of ink drawings and poetry eventually, whilst putting together some wildlife prints for my Etsy shop.

To contact Maddy, sent her an email, or follow her on Instagram.