An important message from our Founder, Robert MacNaughton
In Genesis chapter 1:26 it says “And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth”.
Well, that has not worked out very well for Nature, especially if you are a fish in one of our rivers, or even a bird flying over head. We are living a period of ecocide which is the culmination of man having dominion over the earth. Hopefully that period is coming to an end. We all need to take care of our declining natural resources now. We need to do that together, working as a community.
The Marden Valley has looked after the peoples of Calne and its outlying villages for millennia. It has supported the early woollen industry, and the meat processing factories that followed it. It has given us clean water, flushed out our sewers, washed our clothes.
And what do we do? We throw rubbish into the River Marden, and the Abberd Brook. Wessex Water pours sewage and sanitary waste into it. For decades, our farmers have been encouraged to poison it, through the use of fertilisers, and pesticides.
All this has to change On November 6th, during the Calne Eco Fair, the Friends of the Marden Valley, will take a moment at 2pm, on Beach Terrace, to celebrate the Marden Valley, and to thank her for all that she has given us, and promise to find ways to take out the poo, and the poisons, and the rubbish we have selfishly tipped into her eco system; her living body.
Many thanks to Dream Clear Photography for the aerial footage.